Is sound an issue for heating & air conditioning?
Yes. Loud heating and cooling equipment contribute to sound pollution. Although no financial savings are tied to lower sound levels, the sound rating of a cooling system can have a [...]
Yes. Loud heating and cooling equipment contribute to sound pollution. Although no financial savings are tied to lower sound levels, the sound rating of a cooling system can have a [...]
Well, the optimum indoor range is around 35% relative humidity, but 30% to 40% tends to work best for many homes. If you go above this level, condensation on the [...]
Installing a programmable thermostat in your home helps you take control of how much energy you use for heating and cooling. If used effectively, a programmable thermostat can help you [...]
Well, the optimum indoor range is around 35% relative humidity, but 30% to 40% tends to work best for many homes. If you go above this level, condensation on the [...]
Simply resetting the thermostat when you are asleep or away from home can save money on heating and cooling bills. By adjusting the thermostat four-to-six degrees either up (in the [...]